Return to Title 4 Policy

Return to Title 4 Policy

联邦法规要求,在假定学生将在获得联邦援助的整个期间就读该机构的情况下,授予第四章经济援助资金. When a student withdraws from courses for any reason, including medical reasons, 他/她可能不再有资格获得他/她最初计划获得的全额第四章资金. 加州十大正规网赌平台(SMC)获得联邦经济援助的学生,如果在一个学期或一个学期内没有完成课程,可能需要偿还他们获得的部分援助. 未开始上课的学生必须偿还本学期支付的所有经济援助.

General Requirements:

联邦援助的发放是基于学生将参加整个学期的课程,因此有资格获得全额支付的假设. When you discontinue enrollment, 经济援助服务办公室必须计算你在申请日期之前获得的经济援助金额. 收到的任何超过挣得金额的援助都被视为不劳而获. 不劳而获的经济援助必须返还给各自的联邦项目. 如果学生没有获得足够的第四章资金来支付所有的机构费用, then the student may owe a balance directly to SMC. R2T4计算由财政援助服务办公室完成.

An R2T4 calculation is not required in the following situations:

  • 的 student never actually began attendance for the payment period.

  • 的 student continues to attend at least one course.

  • 该学生开始上课,但在退学之前没有资格获得第四章援助-该学生不被认为是合格的第四章接受者).

SMC has its own institutional refund policies, as set forth in the College Catalog under “Tuition Refund Policy”, which determine the charges that a student will owe after withdrawing; however, 这些政策是独立的,不会影响学生在第四章资金返还计算中获得的第四章援助金额.

Determination of Withdrawal Date

在学生联邦财政援助的R2T4计算中使用的提取日期是官方提取记录上显示的实际日期. If a student stops attending classes without notifying SMC, 退课日期为教授提交的退课日期或教务处决定的最后一次学术活动日期.

Calculating Return of Title IV (R2T4) Amount

获得联邦财政援助的学生必须通过在校学习来“赚取”他们获得的援助. 学生获得的联邦经济援助金额是按比例计算的. 在学期内退出或未完成所有注册课程的学生可能需要根据标题IV (R2T4)的计算返回他们获得的一些经济援助. 一次 more than 60% of the term is completed, 学生被认为已经获得了他/她所有的经济援助,不需要归还任何联邦资金.


  • 的 percent earned 是否等于截至提款日为止已完成的公历日数, 除以支付期内的总日历天数(减去任何至少5天的计划休息时间).

  • 的 payment period for most students is the entire term.

  • 未赚的百分比等于100%减去赚的百分比.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD)

In compliance with federal regulations, 将进行评估,以确定是否所有符合条件的援助已支付撤回日期. 如果不是, and the student meets the federal criteria for a PWD, 在确定学生退学日期后的30天内,学生将被通知其资格. After being notified of PWD eligibility, 如果学生希望接受提款后发放的贷款,他们必须回复. Any grant funds will be automatically applied to student account. 在任何资金退还给您之前,PWD将首先用于任何未付费用. 如果在通知后约两周内未收到答复, the award will be canceled.

Student Notification of Repayment

一封通知信,概述退还给联邦和机构项目的金额。, along with the federal government's repayment worksheet, will be mailed to the student's permanent address. SMC将代表学生将资金退还给适当的联邦和机构援助计划,随后将向学生的助学金账户开票. A statement reflecting these charges will be sent to the student. 学生负责所有费用和多付产生的返回标题IV计算.

Repayment of the Student’s Loans

在学校返还资金后所欠教育部的任何贷款金额, 必须按照借款人本票的条款偿还给贷款持有人吗.

Return of Grant Funds by the Student

在R2T4计算步骤10中确定的任何补助金超额支付必须由学生在收到财政援助服务办公室通知后45天内偿还. If the grant overpayment cannot be paid in full, a repayment plan may be arranged with the Business Office. 如果学生没有在45天内偿还助学金或作出满意的付款安排, the account will be turned over to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) as an overpayment of federal funds.


How a Withdrawal Affects Future Financial 援助 Eligibility


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