



This page outlines the policies and procedures for hosting a display or event in 圣阿尔伯特大厅 图书馆.

You may propose a display or event in the link at the bottom of the page 



The primary goal of the 展览/event program is to complement the mission of the 图书馆, 这说明, 在几个目的中, 它的存在是为了”...provide members of the College community a place for interaction, consultation, study and reflection.” The 展览 program also complements the mission of the Saint Mary’s College 艺术博物馆, 也就是“...to serve as an educational resource that enhances the appreciation, enjoyment and understanding of the visual arts in the Saint Mary’s College community and surrounding area.”展览, wall art and events will support academic and co-curricular programming and enhance the College’s learning environment.



Suggestions for 展览s and/or events and requests for space should be made as far in advance as possible. 预留展览/活动场地, it is necessary to complete a “Proposal for 图书馆 Exhibits/事件/Banner Posting” form, 可用 在图书馆网站. Exhibits and events must be approved in advance by the library staff, 根据下面描述的一般准则.


  • Exhibit/event should relate to curricular or co-curricular activities at Saint Mary’s College.
  • Exhibits in cooperation with local community organizations and events may also be considered.
  • 展览场地先到即止, first-served basis with priority given to library- sponsored or mission-relevant events.
  • Exhibits are reserved on a month-to-month basis and generally up to a single month.
  • Proposals for displays and 展览s must be made through the 投保单


  • 材料应具有视觉趣味性和整洁的外观
  • Exhibitor is responsible for the installation of the 展览 and will provide supplies and materials. The 图书馆 can provide a limited supply of 展览 aides such as push pins, 建筑用纸和书架来安装展览.
  • Event Sponsor is responsible for arranging all set-ups for events, e.g., chair and table set-up, podium and sound system if needed, food set-up and post-event clean-up.
  • All 图书馆 collections included in the 展览 must first have their status changed to 1st Floor Display.
  • 参展商提供一个或多个解释性文字面板, 至少18点排字或激光印刷, 还有至少72点字体的标题面板, 均安装在垫板或泡沫板上, 如果可能的话. 高质量的书法也是标题的一个选择.
  • Students and student groups must have a faculty or staff advisor for any 展览. Students and student groups who wish to 展览 material that is not directly related to academic programing or the College’s learning environment should be directed to 学生的参与 and 领导 for alternative display options.



The SMC 图书馆 supports academic freedom and the free expression of opinion. We do not exercise any censorship of materials such as books, 图片, 标签, 目录, 或者宣传文献. The 图书馆 subscribes to the American 图书馆 Association 图书馆权利法案 as it applies to 展览 spaces and bulletin boards, specifically:" Articles II, 3, and VI.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

VI. Libraries which make 展览 spaces and meeting rooms 可用 to the public they serve should make such facilities 可用 on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

展示的挑战, 展览, 或者印刷材料 posted or displayed in the SMC 图书馆 may be submitted in writing to the Exhibit Coordinator, 接达服务主管. The Exhibit Coordinator will review the dispute with the Dean of 图书馆 and 学术资源 and respond to written statements as follows:

  • The individual will be notified that the 图书馆 has received his/her written statement of concern.
  • A review process will be conducted in a timely manner by 图书馆 Administration in response to an individual's statement of concern.
  • 我们正在考虑一个问题, 显示状态不会发生变化, 展览, 或者印刷材料.
  • 审查过程完成后, the Exhibit Coordinator will notify the individual of the 图书馆’s decision.
  • The individual may appeal the decision to the Dean of 图书馆 and 学术资源.


  • Installation and removal need to take place during times agreed upon with 图书馆 staff.
  • 大多数情况下都可以使用锁. The 图书馆’s circulation staff will assist with access to the 展览 cases and will provide locks to secure the collection.
  • 展览/活动的所有内容, marketing and promotion are the responsibility of the 展览or/event sponsor and not 图书馆 staff, 虽然合作, 如果事先同意的话, 是受欢迎的.
  • All 展览 materials and items used to mount the 展览 should be removed during de-installation and cases restored to their pre-existing condition.




Conference Room: Availability must be checked, and booking scheduled, with Monica Axelrode (mca6@youfa110.com)

食物可由活动赞助商提供或购买. All food and drink must remain in the Conference Room and be removed at event’s end by the event sponsor. 最大容量为35.

Please contact the Exhibits Coordinator, Shannon Meaney-Ryer, at (925) 631-4267 or smm20@youfa110.com,有什么问题吗?. 

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